Upload an Image and get results


This method allows user to upload an image(base64) and get the requested tags information


Permission: admin  



Field Type IsRequred Description
APIKey String YES


UserId String NO

We recommend you to use this and send a unique ID(such as emailID or randomID or any other info) for each user. This helps to track past results

Latitude String YES for Lifestyle AI tags
NO for Face AI & Skin AI Tags

  • The latitude and longitude values must be expressed in decimal degrees. For example 37° 48' 48.96'' S, 144° 57' 47.16'' E should be converted into decimal degrees and expressed as -37.813600, 144.963100.
  • Latitudes North of the equator should be expressed as a positive value. Latitudes South of the equator should be expressed as a negative value. For Example, 37.8136° S should be -37.8136.
  • Longitudes east of the prime meridian should be expressed as a positive value. Longitudes West of the prime meridian should be expressed as a negative value. For Example, 99.9018° W should be -99.9018.
  • If Latitude and Longitude are provided, LifeStyle AI tags will give you accurate information, otherwise status of LifeStyle AI tags will be false and TagValues will be empty.
Longitude String
Tags String[] YES

Tags list should be an array

Available tags:

  • The Fast tags ‘_FAST’ as a suffix in the tag name are ML(Machine learning) tags which are trained using large datasets and the response is very fast that is 4 sec. .
  • The Non-Fast tags are based on traditional image processing algorithms MV (Machine Vision) and response time is 20 sec. These tags responses will be slow compared to the ML. So we suggest you use any fast tags for all available skin concerns primarily and use Non-fast tags (MV)tags for the rest of the tags which don’t have Fast. .
The response may vary depending on upload and download network speed at the user side.
ImageBytes* String[] YES

base64 string subdivided into Array

IsGrayOrBlue bool NO

Grayscale or Blue/UV simulated image

IsSoftFocusBG bool NO

With or without soft-focus background

Contrast Integer(1-100) NO

Contrast level of skin features

* ImageBytes parameter is required whenever image related tags are present in the request.
For example, if the request contains the only LifeStyle AI tags, ImageBytes parameter not required or value can be an empty array.

Success 200

Field Type Description
Message String

overall status message

ImageId String

Encrypted Image ID for future usage

TimeStamp String

Time stamp of the response

Tags Object[]

List of tags (Array of Objects).

  TagName String

Name of the tag.

  TagImage String

Base64 string of the tag image (Available only if the feature has result image).

  Status bool

Status of the tag

  Message string

Internal tag status message

  TagValues Object[]

List of tagValues (Array of Objects).

    Value String

Tags value

    ValueName String

Name of the value, if applicable. Else, NA is returned.

    Units String

Units of the value, if applicable. Else, NA is returned.

    Confidence String

Confidence level in percentage, if applicable. Else, NA is returned.

Error 401

Field Description

Authentication failed, Invalid API Key

Error 400

Field Description

Bad Request, apiKey/input image/features missing

Error 500

Field Description

Internal server error

Error 504

Field Description

Gateway Timeout

    HTTP: 401 Not Authenticated
          "Error": "Authentication failed, Invalid API Key"
    HTTP: 200 Success
          "Message":"Analysed successfully",
          "TimeStamp":"2017-05-01 13:13:31",
                    "Message":"Tag data is available",


This method allows user to request tag results asynchronously. It returns request identifier value (ImageID). Using ImageID user can retrieve tag results using getTagResults api.

Request object is same as GetTags service method

HTTP: 200 Success
  "StatusCode": 200,


This method may be used to retrieve the tag results asynchronously, especially after GetTagsAsync. It returns currently processed tags as a response.
It may need to be called several times to retrieve all the processed tags, because the time for analysis varies across different tags.
The "Tags" parameter in request object can be used to request pending tags. If it is empty, it will return all currently processed tags.

  "ImageId": "<imageId>",
HTTP: 200 Success
	"TimeStamp": "2020-02-24 02:32:47",
	"ImageID": "Gxc8STXJoVa5oLmRaajiyw%3d%3d",
	"Message": "Success",
	"Tags": [
		"TagName": "AGEGROUP",
		"TagImage": null,
		"Status": true,
		"Message": "OK",
		"StatusCode": 200,
		"TagValues": [
				"Value": "51-60",
				"ValueName": "NA",
				"Units": "Years"
	"ProcessedTagCount": 1,
	"PendingTagCount": 1

ProcessedTagCount and PendingTagCount can used to track the tag processing progress.


This method may be used to delete all tags including the input image from DeepTag server.
If the deleteSession request is called 10 mins after the image was uploaded for a particular session, it would return a status code 603 with a message 'Session timed out'
CAUTION: Once this method is invoked, all session related tags associated with the image ID are removed and cannot be undone.

      "Request": {
          "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
          "ImageId": "nKAi70fzK3KgkMYyKql3DA=="
      "Status": true,
      "StatusCode": 200,
      "StatusMessage": "Session deletion successful"
StatusCode 200, indicating operation successfully completed.
Service may respond different status codes based on operation status.

Available status codes:

Status Code Status Message
200 Session deletion successful
601 Invalid ImageId, image id doesn’t exist
602 Unable to delete session
603 Session timed out
      "ErrorCode": 400,
      "Message": "Bad Request"

Available Error codes:

Status Code Status Message
400 Bad request
404 Not found
500 Internal server error


This method is used to retrieve the questions and the answers/options that are configured in the Clarity Business Manager (CBM) tool for this account.
It accepts the API key as input parameter and returns a JSON object containing the questions and the options

  "StatusMessage":"String content",
      "QuestionID":"String content",
      "QuestionHeading":"String content",
      "QuestionDescription":"String content",
      "AnswerType":"String content",		
              "OptionDescription":"String content",
              "OptionHeading":"String content",
              "OptionID":"String content",
              "OptionIdentifier":"String content",
              "QuestionID":"String content"
StatusCode 200, indicating operation successfully completed.
Service may respond different status codes based on operation status.

Available status codes:

Status Code Status Message
200 Success
604 Bad request, request object is null
605 Bad request, API key is not found
606 CBM License invalid / CBM license expired
607 Application key License Expired / Authentication failed, Invalid API Key
608 Unable to get user questionnaire
617 Questionnaire is not configured in CBM


This method is used to retrieve the product details based on the product recommendation logic as configured in the Clarity Business Manager (CBM).
It returns a JSON object containing the list of all matching products that satisfy the mapping criteria as configured in the CBM.
The main input parameter is the ImageId which is returned previously by the Deep Tag service method GetTags or GetTagsAsync.
If the product recommendation logic depends upon the answers to the questions configured in CBM, then a UserQuestionAnswers object must also be passed as an additional parameter. The method also accepts an array of skin concerns for which the products have to be recommended. By default products will be recommended for all the skin concerns analyzed for the given image.

  "APIKey":"String content",
  "ImageId":"String content",
    "Key":"question id",
    "Value":["selected options id list"]
    "SkinConcernsList": [
        "String content",
        "String content"
  	"Claim":"String content",
  	"CountrySpecific":"String content",
  	"Description":"String content",
  	"Ecommerce":"String content",
  	"GenderName":"String content",
  	"ImageName":"String content",
  	"Ingredients":"String content",
  		"Key":"String content",
  			"MarketId":"String content",
  			"ProductID":"String content",
  			"Product_desc_loc":"String content",
  			"Product_name_loc":"String content"
  	"LowerAge":"String content",
  	"NickName":"String content",
  	"OriginProductID":"String content",
  	"PrescribedTimeToUse":"String content",
  	"ProductBrand":"String content",
  	"ProductCode":"String content",
  	"ProductID":"String content",
  	"ProductImage_Base64":"String content",
	"ProductImage_URL":"String content",
  	"ProductLineID":"String content",
  	"ProductLineName":"String content",
  	"ProductLine_Actions":"String content",
  	"ProductLine_Needs":"String content",
  	"ProductName":"String content",
  	"ProductPrice":"String content",
  		"ConcernTitle":"String content",
  		"ConcernDescription":"String content",
  		"Gender":"String content",
  		"UsageTime":"String content",
  		"DependencyProductIdList":["String content"],
  			"ConfiguredSeverities":["String content"],
  			"DeepTagName":"String content",
  			"FeatureName":"String content",
  			"UserSeverityLevel":"String content",
  			"UserSeverityScore":"String content"
  			"ConfiguredOptions":["String content"],
  			"QuestionId":"String content",
  			"UserSelectedOption":["String content"]
  	"RegimentID":"String content",
  	"RegimentName":"String content",
  	"SpecificTimeTouse":"String content",
  	"SubName":"String content",
  	"SubstituteProduct":"String content",
  	"UpperAge":"String content",
  	"UsageInfo":"String content"
  	"APIKey":"String content",
  	"ImageId":"String content",
  		"Key":"String content",
  		"Value":["String content"]
	  "SkinConcernsList": [
        "String content",
        "String content"
  "StatusMessage":"String content"
StatusCode 200, indicating operation successfully completed.
Service may respond different status codes based on operation status.

Available status codes:

Status Code Status Message
200 Success
604 Bad request, request object is null
605 Bad request, API key is not found
606 CBM License invalid / CBM license expired
607 Application key License Exipred / Authentication failed, Invalid API Key
609 Bad request, Image id is not found
610 Bad request, Invalid image id
611 Product recommendation is not configured
612 Unable to generate product recommendations, features not configured in CBM
613 Image analysis in progress, please try again!
614 Unable to generate product recommendations
615 Required feature not found or analyzed in image
616 Products not available in CBM


This method is used to retrieve the details of beauty products configured in the Clarity Business Manager (CBM). It returns a JSON object containing the list of all beauty products of the given ProductType as configured in the CBM - such as "Lipstick" or "Foundation". The response object contains values such as "ProductCode", "ProductName", "RGBColorCode", "PantoneColorCode", "ProductImage_URL" etc.

  "APIKey":"String content",
        "String content",
        "String content"
                    "BeautyProducts": [
                            "Claim": "String content",							
                            "ColorGroup": "String content",
                            "Description": "String content",
                            "HowToUse": "String content",
                            "Ingredients": "String content",
                            "PantoneColorCode": "String content",
                            "Prescription": "String content",
                            "ProductBrand": "String content",
                            "ProductCode": "String content",
                            "ProductImage_URL": "String content",
                            "ProductName": "String content",
                            "ProductPrice": "String content",
                            "ProductType": "String content",
                            "RGBColorCode": "String content",
                            "UsageInstructions": "String content"
                    "Request": {
                        "APIKey": "String content",
                        "ProductType": "String content"
                  "StatusMessage":"String content"
StatusCode 200, indicating operation successfully completed.
Service may respond different status codes based on operation status.

Available status codes:

Status Code Status Message
200 Success
604 Bad request, request object is null
605 Bad request, API key is not found
606 CBM License invalid / CBM license expired
607 Application key License Exipred / Authentication failed, Invalid API Key
611 getBeautyProducts not configured
614 Unable to get BeautyProducts
616 Products not available in CBM


This method is used to retrieve the Skincare tips associated with the users' skin concerns as configured in the Clarity Business Manager (CBM).
It returns a JSON object containing the list of all skincare tips that satisfy the mapping criteria for the skin concerns as configured in the CBM.
The input parameters are the API key and the ImageId which was returned previously by the Deep Tag service method GetTags or GetTagsAsync.
The return values include the
TipName - The title/heading of the tip to be displayed in the app
description - detailed explanation about the tip
SummerTip - tips to be followed in summer for this user's skin condition
WinterTip - tip to be followed in winter for this user's skin condition
Image - URL of the skin tip image as uploaded in CBM

  "APIKey":"String content",
  "ImageId":"String content"
                      "RecommendedTips": [
                          "Description": "String content",
                          "ImageURL": "String content",
                          "SummerTip": "String content",
                          "TipCode": "String content",
                          "TipID": "String content",
                          "TipName": "String content",
                          "WinterTip": "String content"
                        "APIKey":"String content",
                        "ImageId":"String content",
                          "Key":"String content",
                          "Value":["String content"]
                        "SkinConcernsList": [
                            "String content",
                            "String content"
                      "StatusMessage":"String content"
StatusCode 200, indicating operation successfully completed.
Service may respond different status codes based on operation status.

Available status codes:

Status Code Status Message
200 Success
604 Bad request, request object is null
605 Bad request, API key is not found
606 CBM License invalid / CBM license expired
607 Application key License Exipred / Authentication failed, Invalid API Key
609 Bad request, Image id is not found
610 Bad request, Invalid image id
611 Tips recommendation is not configured
612 Unable to generate tips recommendations, features not configured in CBM
613 Image analysis in progress, please try again!
614 Unable to generate tips recommendations
615 Required feature not found or analyzed in image
616 Tips are not available in CBM

DeepTag Options

Options are used to customize the DeepTag analysis

ResultsOnOriginalImage :
If 'ResultsOnOriginalImage' set to true, DeepTag will generate image outputs on original image with thumb size.
Otherwise the image outputs will be generated on the face cropped image with thumb size.
Default value for ResultsOnOriginalImage is false. i.e. image output on face cropped image

  //Sample Request Object
      "UserId": "",
      "ClientId": "",
      "Latitude": ,
      "Tags": [""],
      "ImageBytes": ["base64String"],
      "Options": [
                "Key": "ResultsOnOriginalImage",
                "Value": "true"

Tags Information


Available tags:
Returns the age group on the person's input image
Available age groups:0-12 , 13-18 , 19-25 , 26-32 , 33-40 , 41-50 , 51-60 , 61-70 , 71+
Output Ex: 0-12
Units: Range(Years)
Returns the gender on the person's input image
Output Ex: Male
DiscreteAge :
Returns the approximate age on the person's input image
Output Ex: 56
Units: Years
Image of the person with lip outline highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
Returns skintype on the person's input image
Available skintypes are 1,2,3,4,5,6 based on Fitzpatrick scale
Skin type Description
1 Pale, white skin (often with freckles)
2 White skin
3 Olive/light brown skin
4 Brown skin
5 Dark brown skin
6 Very dark brown skin
Output: Ex: 2
Returns the expression on the person's input image .
Available expressions are

Lifestyle AI

Available tags:
If the Latitude and Longitude values are provided in the request, returns the country name of the location provided.
          "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 05:51:23",
          "ImageID": "SiVFiScUzwUi/U6lpxIOiQ==",
          "Message": "Success",
          "Tags": [
             "TagName": "GEOLOCATION_COUNTRY",
             "TagImage": "NA",
             "Status": true,
             "Message": "OK",
             "StatusCode": 200,
             "TagValues": [
               "Value": "India",
               "ValueName": "NA",
               "Units": "NA"
           "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
           "PendingTagCount": 0

If the Latitude and Longitude values are not provided in the request, status of the tag will be false and TagValues will be empty.
          "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 06:08:58",
          "ImageID": "fPpuOSDVqGU39yGzGmhMAA==",
          "Message": "Success",
          "Tags": [
              "TagName": "GEOLOCATION_COUNTRY",
              "TagImage": "NA",
              "Status": false,
              "Message": "latitude and longitude not present in the request",
              "StatusCode": 400,
              "TagValues": []
            "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
            "PendingTagCount": 0

If the Latitude and Longitude values are provided in the request, returns the city name of the location provided.
          "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 05:51:23",
          "ImageID": "SiVFiScUzwUi/U6lpxIOiL==",
          "Message": "Success",
          "Tags": [
             "TagName": "GEOLOCATION_CITY",
             "TagImage": "NA",
             "Status": true,
             "Message": "OK",
             "StatusCode": 200,
             "TagValues": [
               "Value": "Hyderabad",
               "ValueName": "NA",
               "Units": "NA"
           "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
           "PendingTagCount": 0

If the Latitude and Longitude values are not provided in the request, status of the tag will be false and TagValues will be empty.
          "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 06:08:58",
          "ImageID": "fPpuOSDVqGU39yGzGmhMAL==",
          "Message": "Success",
          "Tags": [
              "TagName": "GEOLOCATION_CITY",
              "TagImage": "NA",
              "Status": false,
              "Message": "latitude and longitude not present in the request",
              "StatusCode": 400,
              "TagValues": []
            "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
            "PendingTagCount": 0
If the Latitude and Longitude values are provided in the request, returns the elevation value from sea level of the location provided.
	"TimeStamp": "2020-03-09 12:33:37",
	"ImageID": "yya2Pwk8Aws1SDFT1rkZqg==",
	"Message": "Success",
	"Tags": [
		"TagName": "ELEVATION",
		"TagImage": "NA",
		"Status": true,
		"Message": "OK",
		"StatusCode": 200,
		"TagValues": [
				"Value": "503.4132",
				"ValueName": "ELEVATION",
				"Units": "Meters"
	"ProcessedTagCount": 1,
	"PendingTagCount": 0

If the Latitude and Longitude values are not provided in the request, status of the tag will be false and TagValues will be empty.
          "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 06:08:58",
          "ImageID": "fPpuOSDVqGU39yGzGmhMAL==",
          "Message": "Success",
          "Tags": [
              "TagName": "ELEVATION",
              "TagImage": "NA",
              "Status": false,
              "Message": "latitude and longitude not present in the request",
              "StatusCode": 400,
              "TagValues": []
            "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
            "PendingTagCount": 0
If the Latitude and Longitude values are provided in the request, returns the pollution index values at the nearest pollution center to location provided.
Values are converted from µg/m3 to AQI levels using the EPA standard.
Tag result includes following data:
  • NO2 - Nitrogen dioxide
  • SO2 - Sulphur dioxide
  • O3- Ozone level
  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • CO - Carbon monoxide
Note: If the index values are not available at the pollution center, 'NA' will be returned.

The table below defines the Air Quality Index scale as defined by the US-EPA 2016 standard:

AQI Air Pollution Level Health Implications Cautionary Statement (for PM2.5)
0 - 50 Good Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk None
51 -100 Moderate Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.
101-150 Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Members of sensitive groups may experience health effects. The general public is not likely to be affected. Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.
151-200 Unhealthy Everyone may begin to experience health effects; members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion
201-300 Very Unhealthy Health warnings of emergency conditions. The entire population is more likely to be affected. Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid all outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit outdoor exertion.
300+ Hazardous Health alert: everyone may experience more serious health effects Everyone should avoid all outdoor exertion

	"TimeStamp": "2020-03-09 09:00:24",
	"ImageID": "bjTIVdr0gGSFZrPGdCrqXw==",
	"Message": "Success",
	"Tags": [
			"TagName": "POLLUTION_AQI",
			"TagImage": "NA",
			"Status": true,
			"Message": "OK",
			"StatusCode": 200,
			"TagValues": [
					"Value": "30",
					"ValueName": "POLLUTION_AQI",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "6",
					"ValueName": "NO2",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "0",
					"ValueName": "SO2",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "30",
					"ValueName": "O3",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "56",
					"ValueName": "PM2.5",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "NA",
					"ValueName": "PM10",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "NA",
					"ValueName": "CO",
					"Units": "Number"
					"Value": "Good",
					"ValueName": "AirPollutionLevel",
					"Units": "NA"
					"Value": "Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk",
					"ValueName": "HealthImplications",
					"Units": "NA"
					"Value": "None",
					"ValueName": "CautionaryStatement",
					"Units": "NA"
	"ProcessedTagCount": 1,
	"PendingTagCount": 0

If the Latitude and Longitude values are not provided in the request, status of the tag will be false and TagValues will be empty.
    "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 06:08:58",
    "ImageID": "fPpuOSDVqGU39yGzGmhMAL==",
    "Message": "Success",
    "Tags": [
        "TagName": "POLLUTION_AQI",
        "TagImage": "NA",
        "Status": false,
        "Message": "latitude and longitude not present in the request",
        "StatusCode": 400,
        "TagValues": []
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0
If the Latitude and Longitude values are provided in the request, returns the uv index of the location provided.

UV Index Category Sunburn time Cautionary Statement
1 - 2 Low The time to burn can vary by skin type, but at a low UV level it is approximately 60 minutes. Wear sunglasses, use broad spectrum sunscreen and watch out for bright surfaces like sand, water and snow which reflect UV rays, increasing your exposure.
3 - 5 Moderate The time to burn can vary by skin type, but at a moderate UV level it is approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Seek shade between 10AM and 4PM when the sun’s rays are its strongest. Wearing protective clothing, including a hat and sunglasses, is a great way to limit exposure. Sunscreen should be applied every two hours, even on cloudy days, and reapplied after swimming or sweating.
6 - 7 High Approximately 15 to 25 minutes. Seek shade between 10AM and 4PM when the sun’s rays are its strongest. Wearing protective clothing, including a hat and sunglasses, is a great way to limit exposure. Sunscreen should be applied every two hours, even on cloudy days, and reapplied after swimming or sweating.
8 - 10 Very High less than 15 minutes Take extra precautions for both your skin and eyes because damage occurs quickly, typically within 15 minutes. Try to minimize your sun exposure during peak sun times, but if not possible then diligently apply and re-apply sunscreen and SPF lip balm.
11+ Extreme less than 10 minutes. Avoid all sun exposure between 10AM and 4PM.

    "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 05:51:23",
    "ImageID": "SiVFiScUzwUi/U6lpxIOiUV==",
    "Message": "Success",
    "Tags": [
       "TagName": "UVINDEX",
       "TagImage": "NA",
       "Status": true,
       "Message": "OK",
       "StatusCode": 200,
       "TagValues": [
         "Value": "6",
         "ValueName": "UVINDEX",
         "Units": "Number"
         "Value": "High",
         "ValueName": "Category",
         "Units": "NA"
         "Value": "Approximately 15 to 25 minutes.",
         "ValueName": "SunburnTime",
         "Units": "NA"
         "Value": "Seek shade between 10AM and 4PM when the sun’s rays are its strongest. Wearing protective clothing, including a hat and sunglasses, is a great way to limit exposure. Sunscreen should be applied every two hours, even on cloudy days, and reapplied after swimming or sweating.",
         "ValueName": "CautionaryStatement",
         "Units": "NA"
     "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
     "PendingTagCount": 0

If the Latitude and Longitude values are not provided in the request, status of the tag will be false and TagValues will be empty.
    "TimeStamp": "2019-06-21 06:08:58",
    "ImageID": "fPpuOSDVqGU39yGzGmhMAUV==",
    "Message": "Success",
    "Tags": [
        "TagName": "UVINDEX",
        "TagImage": "NA",
        "Status": false,
        "Message": "latitude and longitude not present in the request",
        "StatusCode": 400,
        "TagValues": []
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0
If the Latitude and Longitude values are provided in the request, returns the weather related information.
Weather information includes following:
Value name Units
HUMIDITY Percentage
PRESSURE Millibars
TEMPARATURE_C Degrees Centigrade
MAX_TEMPARATURE_C Degrees Centigrade
MIN_TEMPARATURE_C Degrees Centigrade
TEMPARATURE_F Degrees Fahrenheit
MAX_TEMPARATURE_F Degrees Fahrenheit
MIN_TEMPARATURE_F Degrees Fahrenheit
CLOUD_COVER Percentage
SUNRISE Local sunrise time
SUNSET Local sunset time
WIND_SPEED_MILES Miles per hour
WIND_DIRECTION 16-point compass

	"TimeStamp": "2020-03-09 08:54:00",
	"ImageID": "BqXysjubDYxXpAMsa35HPQ==",
	"Message": "Success",
	"Tags": [
			"TagName": "WEATHER",
			"TagImage": "NA",
			"Status": true,
			"Message": "OK",
			"StatusCode": 200,
			"TagValues": [
					"Value": "72",
					"ValueName": "HUMIDITY",
					"Units": "Percentage"
					"Value": "1019",
					"ValueName": "PRESSURE",
					"Units": "Millibars"
					"Value": "17",
					"ValueName": "TEMPARATURE_C",
					"Units": "Degrees Centigrade"
					"Value": "17",
					"Units": "Degrees Centigrade"
					"Value": "25",
					"ValueName": "MAX_TEMPARATURE_C",
					"Units": "Degrees Centigrade"
					"Value": "15",
					"ValueName": "MIN_TEMPARATURE_C",
					"Units": "Degrees Centigrade"
					"Value": "63",
					"ValueName": "TEMPARATURE_F",
					"Units": "Degrees Fahrenheit"
					"Value": "63",
					"Units": "Degrees Fahrenheit"
					"Value": "77",
					"ValueName": "MAX_TEMPARATURE_F",
					"Units": "Degrees Fahrenheit"
					"Value": "77",
					"ValueName": "MIN_TEMPARATURE_F",
					"Units": "Degrees Fahrenheit"
					"Value": "100",
					"ValueName": "CLOUD_COVER",
					"Units": "Percentage"
					"Value": "16",
					"ValueName": "VISIBILITY_KM",
					"Units": "Kilometres"
					"Value": "07:53 AM",
					"ValueName": "SUNRISE",
					"Units": "Local sunrise time"
					"Value": "07:41 PM",
					"ValueName": "SUNSET",
					"Units": "Local sunset time"
					"Value": "0.1",
					"ValueName": "PRECIPITATION_MM",
					"Units": "Millimetres"
					"Value": "22",
					"ValueName": "WIND_SPEED_KMPH",
					"Units": "Kmph"
					"Value": "14",
					"ValueName": "WIND_SPEED_MILES",
					"Units": "Miles per hour"
					"Value": "SSE",
					"ValueName": "WIND_DIRECTION",
					"Units": "16-point compass"
	"ProcessedTagCount": 1,
	"PendingTagCount": 0

Skin AI

Severity Description
1 Low
2 Low-Moderate
3 Moderate
4 Moderate-High
5 High

Original Image

Available tags:
Returns ratio balanced of given input image.
Output Ex: Base64 image

Input image thumb

Available tags:
It returns thumb image of the given input image.
Output Ex: Base64 image

Beautified Image

Available tags:
Image of the person with beautified effect
Output Ex: Base64 image
Beautification level can be configured using 'BeautyLevel' option in the request.
BeautyLevel values are from 0 to 1, default value is 0.6.

Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "BeautyLevel",
 	  "Value": "0.7"

Facial Landmarks Image

Available tags:
Image of the person with landmarks on each feature(eyes,lips,nose and face boundaries).
Output Ex: Base64 image
It gives the facial landmark locations (points) on the input image. Total number of facial landmarks (points) is 75. Response is an array of objects, each object will represent a point as comma separated string i.e., "x,y"
      "TimeStamp": "2019-11-18 12:21:18",
      "ImageID": "0LikmVWgnJb0Si5fnJU1tQ==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "FACIAL_LANDMARKS",
          "TagImage": null,
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "304,716",
              "ValueName": "Point-1",
              "Units": "Point"
              "Value": "306,802",
              "ValueName": "Point-2",
              "Units": "Point"
              "Value": "879,621",
              "ValueName": "Point-75",
              "Units": "Point"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0


Available tags:
Returns the top-left coordinates(x,y) of the face rectangle respective to the input image used for analysis. It also returns the scale factor to be applied on the output image..
Sample request object:
 "Tags": ["FACE_BOX_ORIGIN"],
 "ImageBytes": []

Sample response object:
  "TimeStamp": "2020-04-02 08:09:36",
  "ImageID": "6hSW/gO3N2P/06S02rapVA==",
  "Message": "Success",
  "Tags": [
      "TagName": "FACE_BOX_ORIGIN",
      "TagImage": "NA",
      "Status": true,
      "Message": "OK",
      "StatusCode": 200,
      "TagValues": [
          "Value": "2.12156",
          "ValueName": "Resizefactor",
          "Units": "Scale factor"
          "Value": "45,463",
          "ValueName": "FaceRect",
          "Units": "Top-left X,Y coordinates of the facebox"
  "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
  "PendingTagCount": 0


Available tags:
It returns wrinkles score (1-5) on the person's input image .
It is a combined score of individual wrinkle scores(Forehead, under-eye, nasolabial & peri-oral)
where under-eye and forehead are given twice the weight of nasolabial and peri-oral wrinkles.
Output Ex: 2
It returns undereye wrinkles score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
It returns peri-oral wrinkles score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
It returns forehead wrinkles score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
It returns the image (base64) with wrinkles highlighted.
It has following options:
Option Description
WrinklesColor The color used to highlight wrinkles. Default color(R, G, B): 146,43,138 (

Sample request object:
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
   "Options": [
       "Key": "WrinklesColor",
       "Value": "255,0,0"
Image of the person with wrinkles highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
Returns wrinkles score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Returns wrinkles area affected on the person's input image
Output Ex: 3.4568


Available tags:
It returns acne score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
It returns the image (base64) with acne highlighted.
It has following options:
Option Description
AcneColor The color used to highlight acne. Default color(R, G, B): 0,80,220 (

Sample request object:
   "Tags": ["ACNE_IMAGE_FAST"],
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
   "Options": [
       "Key": "AcneColor",
       "Value": "255,0,0"
Image of the person with acne highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
Returns acne score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Returns acne score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Returns whether the person suffers from inflammatory acne. Red, swollen acne lesions with corresponding whiteheads are considered inflamed. The presence of inflamed acne (1 or 2) for 4 regions i.e.,forehead, left cheek, right cheek and chin score of the persons entire face on the input image.
Response Description
1 No inflammation
2 inflamed acne


Available tags:
It returns pigmentation score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
It returns the image (base64) with dark spots highlighted.
It has following options:
Option Description
SpotsColor The color used to highlight dark spots. Default color(R, G, B): 0,220,0 (

Sample request object:
   "Tags": ["SPOTS_IMAGE_FAST"],
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
   "Options": [
       "Key": "SpotsColor",
       "Value": "255,0,0"
Image of the person with pigmentation highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image

Returns pigmentation score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2


Available tags:
Returns the visibility of pores severity score (1-5) for 4 regions i.e.,forehead, left cheek, right cheek and chin score of the persons entire face on the input image
It returns the image (base64) with pores highlighted.
It has following options:
Option Description
PoresColor The color used to highlight pores. Default color(R, G, B): 255,0,255 (

Sample request object:
   "Tags": ["PORES_IMAGE_FAST"],
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
   "Options": [
       "Key": "PoresColor",
       "Value": "255,0,255"
Returns pores score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Image of the person with pores highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image


Available tags:
It returns the image of the person with redness highlighted.
Sample request object:
   "Tags": ["REDNESS_IMAGE_FAST"],
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>]
Returns the skin redness severity score (1-5) for 4 regions i.e., forehead, left cheek, right cheek and chin score of the persons entire face on the input image.
Image of the person with redness highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
Returns redness score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2

Uneven skin tone

Available tags:
It returns skin tone uneven score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Image of the person with skin tone unevenness highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
It has following options:
Option Description
UnevennessContrastLevel Unevenness contrast level can be configured. Values are ranging from 0 to 1, default value is 0.5
Image of the person with skin tone unevenness highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
It has following options:
Option Description
UnevennessContrastLevel Unevenness contrast level can be configured. Values are ranging from 0 to 1, default value is 0.5
Returns skin tone uneven score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2

Dark circles

Available tags:
Image of the person with dark circles highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
It has following options:
Option Description
DarkCirclesRegionBorderThickness Represents region border thickness. Values are ranging from 1 to 5, default value is 1.
DarkCirclesColor Dark circles region border color. Default color(R, G, B): 255,0,0 (


Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "DarkCirclesRegionBorderThickness",
 	  "Value": "1"
 	  "Key": "DarkCirclesColor",
 	  "Value": "0,255,0"
It returns dark circles score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Image of the person with dark circles highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image
It has following options:
Option Description
DarkCirclesContrastLevel Dark circles contrast level can be configured. Values are ranging from 0 to 1, default value is 0.6
DarkCirclesBorderEnabled To enable/disable Dark circles region drawing. Default option is true
DarkCirclesRegionBorderThickness Represents region border thickness. Values are ranging from 1 to 5, default value is 1.
DarkCirclesRegionBorderColor Dark circles region border color. Default color(R, G, B): 255,0,0 (


Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "DarkCirclesContrastLevel",
 	  "Value": "0.2"
 	  "Key": "DarkCirclesBorderEnabled",
 	  "Value": "true"
 	  "Key": "DarkCirclesRegionBorderThickness",
 	  "Value": "1"
 	  "Key": "DarkCirclesRegionBorderColor",
 	  "Value": "0,255,0"
Returns dark circles score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2
Returns the contrast score ( 0-100) of under eye with respect to cheek
Output Ex: 5


Available tags:
Returns the skin shininess severity score (1-5) for 4 regions i.e., forehead, left cheek, right cheek and chin score of the persons entire face on the input image
Info: Skin shininess can be an indication of oiliness.
It returns the image (base64) with shininess highlighted.
It has following options:
Option Description
ShininessColor The color used to highlight shininess. Default color(R, G, B): 255,255,0 (

ShininessOpacity Sets opacity of shininess color. Value ranges from 0 to 1. Default value is 0.5
Sample request object:
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
   "Options": [
       "Key": "ShininessColor",
       "Value": "255,0,0"
      "Key": "ShininessOpacity",
      "Value": "0.5"
Returns oiliness score(1-5) on the persons input image
Output Ex: 2
Image of the person with oiliness area highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image


Available tags:
Returns lip health/evenness score (1-5) of the lip in the input image.
Output Ex: 2
Returns roughness/unevenness score (1-5) of the lip in the input image.
Output Ex: 2
Image of the person with lip roughness area highlighted.
Output Ex: Base64 image
Lip roughness contrast level can be configured using 'LipRoughnessContrastLevel' option in the request.
LipRoughnessContrastLevel values are from 0 to 1, default value is 0.4

Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "LipRoughnessContrastLevel",
 	  "Value": "0.2"

Returns lip roughness/unevenness score (1-5) on the person's input image.
Output Ex: 2
Image of the person with lip roughness area highlighted.
Output Ex: Base64 image
Lip roughness contrast level can be configured using 'LipRoughnessContrastLevel' option in the request.
LipRoughnessContrastLevel values are from 0 to 1, default value is 0.4

Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "LipRoughnessContrastLevel",
 	  "Value": "0.2"


Available tags:
Returns the skin dehydration severity score (1-5) for 4 regions i.e., forehead, left cheek, right cheek and chin score of the persons entire face on the input image
It returns the image with region wise dehydration level highlighted.
It has following options:
Option Description
DehydrationColor The color used to highlight dehydration levels. Default color(R, G, B): 246,43,59 (

DehydrationBorderColor The color used to highlight region border. Default color(R, G, B): 255,255,255 (

DehydrationBorderThickness Adjust border thickness.Value ranges from 0 to 5. Default value is '1'

Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "DehydrationColor",
 	  "Value": "255,0,0"
 	  "Key": "DehydrationBorderColor",
 	  "Value": "0,0,255"
 	  "Key": "DehydrationBorderThickness",
 	  "Value": "1"
Image of the person with healthy to unhealthy skin color transformation.
Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>]
Image of the person with healthy to unhealthy skin color transformation.
Output Ex: Base64 image
Returns dehydration severity score (1-5) on the person's input image .
Output Ex: 2


Available tags:
Image of the person with teeth area whitened.
Output Ex: Base64 image
Returns teeth whitening score(0-100) before and after applying the whitening effect.
Output Ex: before-75,after-85

Nasolabial Folds

Available tags:
It returns nasolabial folds score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2

Undereye Puffiness

Available tags:
It returns puffiness score(1-5) on the person's input image
Output Ex: 2

Environmental Damage

Available tags:
Image of the person with environmental damage highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image Sample request object:
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>]
Image of the person with environmental damage highlighted
Output Ex: Base64 image


Available tags:
Returns anti-aging image for the current input image. Background removal option is enabled by default.
To disable background removal, user can send the following option in tag request.
Default value for HIDE_BACKGROUND is true.

    //Sample Request Object
        "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "UserId": "",
        "ClientId": "",
        "Latitude": 17.475915699999998,
        "Longitude": 78.5607636,
        "Tags": ["ANTI_AGING_IMAGE"],
        "ImageBytes": ["base64String"],
        "Options": [
                "Key": "HIDE_BACKGROUND",
                "Value": "false"

    //Sample Response Object
      "TimeStamp": "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX",
      "ImageID": "0LikmVWgnJb0Si5fnJU1t1==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "ANTI_AGING_IMAGE",
          "TagImage": null,
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "base64 string",
              "ValueName": "Anti-Aging-Image",
              "Units": "Base64"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0
Returns the aging image for the current input image. Background removal option is enabled by default.
To disable background removal, user can send the following option in tag request.
Default value for HIDE_BACKGROUND is true.

    //Sample Request Object
        "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "UserId": "",
        "ClientId": "",
        "Latitude": 17.475915699999998,
        "Longitude": 78.5607636,
        "Tags": ["AGING_IMAGE"],
        "ImageBytes": ["base64String"],
        "Options": [
                "Key": "HIDE_BACKGROUND",
                "Value": "false"

    //Sample Response Object
      "TimeStamp": "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX",
      "ImageID": "0LikmVWgnJb0Si5fnJU1t1==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "AGING_IMAGE",
          "TagImage": null,
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "base64 string",
              "ValueName": "Aging-Image",
              "Units": "Base64"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0

Ideal Skin Transform

Available tags:
Returns combined treated effect of acne, pigments, wrinkles and unevenness based on the user selected treated percentages.
User can send the following options in request:
    WrinklesTreatedPercent and
Default value for these is 50.

    //Sample Request Object
        "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "UserId": "",
        "ClientId": "",
        "Latitude": 17.475915699999998,
        "Longitude": 78.5607636,
        "ImageBytes": ["base64String"],
        "Options": [
                "Key": "AcneTreatedPercent",
                "Value": "50"
            }, {
                "Key": "PigmentsTreatedPercent",
                "Value": "50"
            }, {
                "Key": "WrinklesTreatedPercent",
                "Value": "50"
            }, {
                "Key": "UnevennessTreatedPercent",
                "Value": "50"

    //Response object
      "TimeStamp": "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX",
      "ImageID": "d/Egpx9T20Hm0KhMaiKhow==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "IDEAL_SKIN_TRANSFORM_IMAGE",
          "TagImage": "NA",
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "base64 string"
              "ValueName": "IDEAL_SKIN_TRANSFORM_IMAGE",
              "Units": "Base64"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0

Skin Age

Available tags:
An estimation of the user's Skin Age in years based on an assessment of all the visible signs of aging within the image. This estimate is best used when users are over the age of 25 - when visible signs of aging begin to develop.

    //Sample Request Object
        "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "Tags": ["SKINAGE"],
        "ImageBytes": ["base64String"]

    //Response object
      "TimeStamp": "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX",
      "ImageID": "d/Egpx9T20Hm0KhMaiKh87w==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "SKINAGE",
          "TagImage": null,
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "19",
              "ValueName": "",
              "Units": "Years"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0

Skin Elasticity

Available tags:
An assessment of the skin elasticity.
It returns skin elasticity (1-5) on the person's input image.
Example: 2

    //Sample Request Object
        "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "Tags": ["ELASTICITY"],
        "ImageBytes": ["base64String"]

    //Response object
      "TimeStamp": "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX",
      "ImageID": "d/Egpx9T20Hm0KhMaiKh87w==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "ELASTICITY",
          "TagImage": null,
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "3",
              "ValueName": "",
              "Units": "Number"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0

Skin Firmness

Available tags:
An assessment of the skin's firmness.
It returns skin firmness (1-5) of the person's input image.
Example: 2

    //Sample Request Object
        "APIKey": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "Tags": ["FIRMNESS"],
        "ImageBytes": ["base64String"]

    //Response object
      "TimeStamp": "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX",
      "ImageID": "d/Egpx9T20Hm0KhMaiKh87w==",
      "Message": "Success",
      "Tags": [
          "TagName": "FIRMNESS",
          "TagImage": null,
          "Status": true,
          "Message": "OK",
          "StatusCode": 200,
          "TagValues": [
              "Value": "3",
              "ValueName": "",
              "Units": "Number"
      "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
      "PendingTagCount": 0


Available tags:
It returns the image showing 12 facial zones used for the skin analysis.
It has following options:
Option Description
FacialZonesColor Facial zone border color. Default color(R, G, B): 245,245,245 (

FacialZonesThickness Adjust facial zone border thickness. Value ranges from 0 to 5. Default value is '1'

Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>],
 "Options": [
 	  "Key": "FacialZonesColor",
 	  "Value": "245,245,245"
 	  "Key": "FacialZonesThickness",
 	  "Value": "1"

Eye Color

Available tags:
It returns the eye color of the given person image.
Sample request object:
 "Tags": ["EYECOLOR"],
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values


Available tags:
It returns standard Pantone shade match for the person skin tone and it's LAB values.

//Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 

//Sample response object:
  "TimeStamp": "2022-05-28 10:51:27",
  "ImageID": "TEndgqSXuMNdIrdHFqL21A==",
  "Message": "Success",
  "Tags": [
      "TagImage": null,
      "Status": true,
      "Message": "OK",
      "StatusCode": 200,
      "TagValues": [
          "Value": "17.04097",
          "ValueName": "ASTAR",
          "Units": "Number"
          "Value": "3Y11",
          "ValueName": "PANTONE_SKINTONE_MATCH",
          "Units": "Number"
          "Value": "28.20224",
          "ValueName": "BSTAR",
          "Units": "Number"
          "Value": "51.16754",
          "ValueName": "LSTAR",
          "Units": "Number"
  "ProcessedTagCount": 1,
  "PendingTagCount": 0


Available tags:
It returns the eyebrow style of the given person's image.
Sample request object:
"Tags": ["EYEBROW_STYLE"],
"ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values
Shaped / Manicured


Available tags:
It returns the eyebrow hair density of the given person's image.
Sample request object:
"ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values

Skin Concerns Combined

Available tags:
It returns an image that combines all the individual image fast tags which are requested. The supported image tags are
If none of these images is requested, then the original image will be returned.

Sample request object:
   "ImageBytes": [<base64string>]

Skin Category

Available tags:
Returns the category of the skin in the person's input image.
Sample request object:
"Tags": ["SKIN_CATEGORY"],
"ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
The API will return one of the following values
Note: The values returned by the SKIN_CATEGORY tag are not a direct measurement, but are derived from the scores of the dehydration and shininess tags. Skin shininess can be an indication of oiliness.


Available tags:
It returns the hair color of the given person image.
Sample request object:
 "Tags": ["HAIRCOLOR"],
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values
It returns the facial hair type of the given person image.
Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values
It returns the hair loss level of the given person image.
Sample request object:
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values
It returns the hair type of the given person image.
Sample request object:
 "Tags": ["HAIRTYPE"],
 "ImageBytes": [<base64string>] 
API will return one of the following values

Tag status code(s)

Code Detection Parameter Message Corrective action
200 -- Ok / Success
500 -- Internal server error /
Unable to get DeepTag Info
101 Image Resolution Unable to process, not enough resolution The minimum and best image resolution is 2MP
102 Image Profile (Front/Side) Mix of side profile and front profile tags can not be processed on single input image Please ensure all the tags belongs to single image profile.
103 Image Profile (Front/Side) Image profile and requested tags are not matched
415 Face Position We could not detect your face
109 Image Resolution Your photo resolution is too low The minimum and best image resolution is 2MP
209 Dark Environment Your photo is too dark
309 Contrast Your photo is out of focus
709 ForeHead gradient Deviation UNEVEN LIGHTING
809 Cheek gradient deviation UNEVEN LIGHTING
909 Top to Bottom Gradient UNEVEN LIGHTING
1009 Forehead Shine PHOTO IS TOO SHINY
111 Monochrome image POOR LIGHTING / Image is not a color image
1209 Clockwise Rotation Too much tilt in face